Best Emerging Business / Fast Moving Consumer Goods

SJP X Invivo

With some of the best vineyards in the world and reputable image, New Zealand is known for the quality of its $1.7 billion wine industry. For this reason, Invivo & Co alongside Sarah Jessica-Parker decided to start their global launch with a Sauvignon Blanc from our very own Marlborough.

The Challenge

Invivo & Co knew that to go global, they’d need to go big. The team had previously seen great success launching their Sav with Graham Norton in 2014, but knew they needed to expand their product range and grow presence in the US if they were going to continue to succeed. 

A challenge for the group was that in the US, NZ wine is still foreign to many. However, with the interest in the US from buyers for another celebrity collaboration, Invivo & Co were able to leverage the Sarah Jessica Parker (SJP) brand to capture more wine drinkers. 

They also knew that gaining traction in such a saturated market would be difficult. A strong point of difference and a comprehensive marketing plan was needed to stand out.

The Response

The leading New Zealand wine producer identified from its experience with Norton that cut through to the US would take several touchpoints to work with SJP. The key for them was ensuring that Sex in the City star was a true partner from the outset. After two years of developing a relationship with SJP, they partnered up and agreed the following:

  • This not a one-off marketing stunt, it’s a long-term partnership. 
  • SJP will be hands-on choosing the blend, labelling and creative. 
  • They would film the blending/tasting of the wine with Sarah Jessica Parker every year for 10 years. 
  • The brand will be ongoing in the media.
  • She engages her 6.2million loyal followers to support the brand. 
  • She is allocated a seat on the board of Invivo USA and is a shareholder.

SJP and her agreement created a frenzy, and with her partnership announcement alone, the winemakers were able to create a demand for the wine before it had even been created. They also created a waiting list with subscribers that added hype around the label launch.

The Result

‘Invivo X, SJP’ was arguably 2019’s biggest wine launch globally and has been a hit here in New Zealand and abroad thanks to the honest and authentic partnership between the Hollywood A-lister and the Kiwi Invivo co-founders.

News of the wine launch reached millions of wine consumers around the world through three phases of media coverage and social content that drove demand for fast-moving sales in grocery and on premise (restaurant and bars). 400,000 bottles were sold to the trade in the weeks following the launch. SJP’s launch post about the wine is the most liked post about NZ wine history on Instagram, with an incredible 466,000 likes.

The wine has won a slew of awards and accolades and has raised the profile of Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc in the US.

Entry details

Category: Best Emerging Business/Brand & Fast Moving Consumer Goods
Company: Invivo & Co
Marketing Initiative: Invivo X SJP
Judge’s Comments: “Whilst incorporating celebrity endorsements can be an easy way to market, this is a leading example of endorsement and social marketing.”
Finalists: FMCG: J. H. Whittaker & Sons: Owning Secret Santa to Become a Christmas Gifting Player, The Taste of Home or Away and It’s Crunch Time! Putting the Limited Back in Limited Edition, Tegel: Tegel Takes Over Fried Chicken

This article was originally published in the December/January 2020 issue of NZ Marketing. You can subscribe to the magazine, here. Or read the other winner stories, here.

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